• 22 Feb, 2025

Join NigerianCBCS-VIP today and receive alerts when items that you regularly purchase are on sale. As an e-VIC member, you can also link manufacturer coupons directly onto your VIC card. Look for great new offers in your Wednesday and Friday e-VIP emails. Follow the steps below to join e-VIP today! You must have a valid NigerianCBCS-VIP card in order to buy.



 You will be the first to know when the things you buy and want the most go on sale. As a valued member, we will let you know ahead of time. You will receive an email that alerts you to your personalized savings. 



Download savings directly to your digital coupons automatically redeem when you scan your card at checkout. Offers are available to NigerianCBCS VIP members. You can download and redeem it while you shop. go to. www.deals.nigeriancbcs.us See All Coupons >>



 The NigerianCBCS VIP items of the week are available to all carded members only. The discounts on these items are automatically taken at the register. No coupons to clip or carry! Sign up for e-VIC today to be eligible for next week's offer! 


 Each week, we give away at least $2000 in FREE groceries to a lucky e-VIC member. Check the bottom of your e-VIC email to see if you’re a winner!  



Exciting vacations, trips, and tickets to concerts in Nigeria are just a few of the valuable prizes you have a chance to win as a valid member.  See Current Sweepstakes >> 


Roderick Mertz

Mock Turtle said: 'advance twice, set to work at once and put it to her in the air. '--as far out.